! Heboh
!! Heboh !!! video menggemparkan dunia perKPOPan,,,,,,,,hehe
Video itu di upload dengan judul “Chinese
Singer Low Level plagiarizes HYUNA Bubble Pop from KPOP 중국가수 현아버블팝 표절"
judul video tersebut saja sudah bisa ditebak tentang ketidaksukaan terhadap
video tersebut,,,,,,*emang mirip siiiiiihhh
namun tidak semua Chinese singer itu low quality yaaaaa,,,,,,^^
ini efek dari hallayu wave yang mendera ke seluruh asia
bahkan dunia,,,jadi banyak yang suka trus ng'buat yang rada' sama & fenomena ini terjadi dimana-mana gak cuma di China !!!
bashing yaaa,,,^^
Girlgroup China tersebut menuai kontroversi dikalangan penikmat music terutama penikmat
KPOP yang biasa disebut KPOPers, terbukti dengan kehebohan yang terjadi akibat
video tersebut, serta berbagai macam tanggapan dari sisi yang berbeda-beda,,,!!!!
tak hanya KPOPers saja yang menanggapi, Video
ini juga mengundang para natizen untuk menanggapi dan berkomentar “Wow, itu benar2 identik,”
“100% plagiat,” “Hyuna jauh lebih seksi daripada copycat China ini“
yang berkomentar ( pro kontra ) tentang video tersebut :
- I am Chinese
& I am fucking offended by this. The girls have no originality and
this seems more like a parody & it's pretty fucking OBVIOUS it's almost the exact same thing as HyunA's
Bubble Pop. There are A LOT of Chinese people in the world & by saying
that ALL have no originality is fucking offensive. American artists (aka
Miley Cyrus & Nicki Minaj) have pretty stupid music videos as well but
we don't regard ALL Americans as sluts. And not ALL blondes are stupid.
Right? So shut the fuck up. ( by
- Imitation is
the highest form of flattery.... HYUNA is WAY BETTER! ( by
- 헐 의상이랑 뮤비전체적인게 현아랑 비슷하고 입술나오는부분은 아예 똑같구, 중간에NONONONO이부분은 멜로디나 박자나 남녀공학-삐리뽐빼리뽐이랑 비슷함. ( by
- This vid is NOT
a legit mv. If u had the the patience to learn what they were singing, u would know that it is just a parody.
2. Just because some Chinese girls did a parody of Bubble Pop, that
doesn't make them unoriginal & it doesn't mean all Chinese ppl are
like that. 3. They're not "sluttier" than Hyuna. Both artists in
both vids wear similar clothes so don't bash another ethnicity just
because you like kpop. SO you people should SHUT UP because I have no
tolerance for racist people (y) ( by
- fuck lah. so
ugly like shit. stupid
165 ppl who go like the video. ( by
- Amateur
level dancing skills lol.
I didn't dislike nor like it cuz even though I hate the idea that such a
video exists it was still entertaining to watch if you take it as a
parody. ( by
Dan maaaaassiiiihh banyak
video ini plagiat atau hanya parody !!!!??????
kalian sendiri yang menentukan dan jangan hanya menilai dari satu sisi, perhatikan juga aspek lain yang harus ada dalam penilaian *sokbijak…..^^
tentunya dengan melihat videonya dulu yaaaa
(SHA-TAN-BA-O-BE-I) "nonono"
kemudian bandingkan dengan video Hyuna bubble pop
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